Region III

Yanelit Madriz Zarate is a first generation, daughter of Mexican immigrants, Chicana student. She joined EOPS in Fall 2018 after making the difficult decision to leave CSUMB due to severe mental health struggles. Yanelit managed to gather the necessary strength to ask for help and has been able to regain her physical and mental health without having to stop her education. She spent months researching Berkeley City College and EOPS was the first program she applied to because she knew she would find a community of support. EOPS has made a strong positive impact in Yanelit’s academic performance by providing the necessary tools to succeed, such as tutoring, effective and culturally relevant one-on-one counseling, college workshops, scholarship opportunities and resources. EOPS has also helped relieve some of her financial stressors by providing her with book vouchers, free food, and grants. Most importantly, EOPS has given her a sense of belonging and community at BCC. Being part of the EOPS community at BCC has been essential for Yanelit to thrive academically and stay motivated to continue planning and moving forward in her education and career. She serves as a Mental Health Advocate in the BCC and EOPS community. Yanelit comes from a low-income family of five where her dad is the only provider, she has maintained two jobs while being a full-time student in order to survive. This scholarship will allow Yanelit pay for some of the expenses she will encounter when she transfers this Fall 2021.