Region II

I am a single father of a nineteen-year-old son. I just completed my associates degree within psychology and look forward to attaining my bachelors. My goal is to land a career opportunity that applies this knowledge in helping others and this scholarship will help me secure certain needs to attain this goal.
EOPS helped me map out my educational goals in a manner that was feasible. When you are provided an outline, you can see the end goal and as you go along, you become more confident in completing the steps to get there. Not only that, they assisted me with financial support. By that, they helped me with supplies and textbooks as the semesters went along. At times I couldn’t provide some of the tools I needed, and this really helped me feel a sense of security in knowing that I had this support.
With all of that, one thing that really stood out to me was the interpersonal aspect the counselors provided. Their support and confidence in me was imperative to my success. Engaging conversations about my life and really getting to know me as a person created an environment beyond the technical aspects of their services. This compassionate element built more confidence in me which helped me maintain my focus and drive to walk the path I set out for myself.